Reflective Post

I really thought this module helped me learn so many new things. It was so different working with a company and hearing new feedback every week. I’m used to having my own work criticised by people I know but I felt like I was under a lot more pressure trying to impress someone from a company because I’d be looking for work placement later this year. I think this helped me work a lot harder and try to show Kevin where my skills lie but also that I can do quite a few different things.

I was extremely happy that I got to continue to work on my sculpting skills, carrying on from last semester’s multi-part project. I thoroughly enjoyed it and have gained many new skills from it this time around such as transferring normal and occlusion maps within x-normals, using zremesher to retopologise my high poly sculpts and being able to sculpt my own concepts. I believe this semester has helped build up my portfolio and my website for my next work placement, whenever this may be. I am happy to have learnt so much, even when the group project was difficult at times and when Kevin went out of touch for around a month and left me as project leader.


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