Class Experiments

Dynamics Simulation Techniques

Fantasia (1940).

  • sorcerer’s apprentice was the main source of inspiration.

The Abyss

  • ILM developed new techniques for the feature film.

The Prince of Egypt

  • New techniques such as moving the camera around the scene.
  • Exposure tool- hand drawn 2d characters were able to be brought into a 3d world.  exposure tool warps the backgrounds.
  • 3d bugs.
  • angel of death was computer generated as well as a lot of the people in the parting of the red sea.

The mill did visual fx for gladiator in london. They mostly work on adverts.

MPC film fx reel.

Lorenzo Lavatelli- effects technical director:

Art of destruction fx guide.

podcast- brave.

  • When simulating dynamics in maya set playback to play every frame. forces each frame to be calculated.
  • Dynamic systems available in maya: nparticles, ncloth, fluid, soft and rigid bodies, bitfrost and bullet.
  • nparticles can be used for dust, smoke, fire, water and wind effects.
  • fx menu,, nparticles, create emitter. play every frame.  max playback speed real time 24fps.
  • falls down because of gravity. attribute editor. emitter- emitter type controls shape.
  • min/max distance will say where to start from.
  • use hardware rendered for particles. does it quite quickly.
  • fields and solvers- interactive playback.


  • select objects that will come into contact with ncloth, under ncloth menu select passive collider.
  • select ncloth object and under ncloth menu select ncloth. there are presents such as silk.

My samples:

This is better to watch in HD as the particles are so small and barely noticeable. I wanted to get a firefly effect but it needs tweaking.





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