Class Experiments

Colour Management Maya

Enable colour management in settings under preferences.

Alec’s note:

Maya 2016 has colour management turned on by default, for a linear lighting & rendering workflow, which is awesome (no more fiddling with gamma nodes).

Though if you change the default openEXR file format in mental ray’s common render settings, then make sure to to turn on the ‘Apply Output transform to Render’ tickbox under colour management, so that your batch renders are in the correct colour space.

apply output transform to renderer if you want to keep colour in render view

render settings: Common tab, file output, image format, open exr.

  • Within after effects you have to change preferences to work in linear workflow and with open exr format.
  • project settings: drag exr rendered files over.
  • change colour settings to 16bits (32 for extremely detailed). workspace:

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