Developing and Finalising Designs

I sat trying to develop the elite and slopelander designs further, finding more shapes to play with and to see what the team liked. I studied a lot of Darren Bartley‘s work and loved the tall legs against the short body in a lot of his pieces. I tried to show this in some of my elite designs.

Amy had a really nice design that was kind of frog-like and I tried to do something similar. It ended up looking like Jar Jar Binks however. I tried developing some of my old creature designs again.

We still wanted to develop some of our tribal designs so I continued on from the frog-like character and also worked on developing the elites looking at Bartley’s work again.

Developing the narrator and designs for the slopelanders:

I really loved doing parts of armour to make the slopelanders different from each other, as we would only be able to model a few.

The team really liked the developed designs for the elites with the tail. I went on to draw the staffs Amy had created with the developed designs for the king.

I went on to create a practice sculpt from one of the designs in zbrush:



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