Character and Creature Designs

The team met up and discussed the BlackLight world, as well as where each living creature would be on the planet and what sort of environments they would have.

On the lightside we spoke of the elites being in the centre within their city, surrounded by farms with lightside creatures then traders (both elites and slopelanders) then the elites towards the mountainous areas.

On the darkside we concluded that the tribal creatures would be in the centre, surrounded by the mushroom forest (as its dark, we thought huge mushroom structures would look amazing and more natural as they are a less evolved species). We then talked of nomad creatures similar to the tribal ones who would live on the outside of the forest on a more desert like area before the mountains. I designed a beetle for them to travel on as the desert-like area would be hard to travel on and live.

Clare spoke of there being ruins from the previous inhabitants of the planet. That the nomads would travel and search these places, and that it could add to the stories for the series.

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Character designs: Many of these designs were for the lightsiders, but as a team we discussed there being a tribal version of the lightsiders on the darkside. A less developed and more animalistic version to show that these two sides are still a part of the same planet, just one side less evolved.

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Creature Designs: The more insect type drawings are for the darkside. I also was trying to make the darkside creatures a lot more terrifying, even though the project mentions the lightsiders being the evil ones yet more beautiful.

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